#8 An American in Paris

The reveal: We got to watch the wonderfully acclaimed An American in Paris at the Dominicon Theatre tonight! What an utterly beautiful show. It’s no wonder Mr Carl WoodWard @theatremusing had described this as the best musical in London!  Thank you so much for easily the best seats in theatre.

Now I wouldn’t categorised it as a musical, but a wonderfully choreographed theatre piece with singing. It is perfect for a fan of ballet and dance, and one who can appreciate jazz and the wonderful 20th century composer Gershwin. The costumes, sets and use of modern tech were really very creative and so elegant and beautiful.

(Also if you are learning drama or theatre in school or university, this was a really good show to watch – the director / choreographer really used a lot of various drama techniques to draw parallels and contrast the storylines between different characters and you can truly appreciate this on this set!)

Outside the theatre
Interval 🙂

Definitely a must-go if you love dance and theatre – An American in Paris is a stunning piece. (I only wish that we didn’t have to feel the rumbling of the tube under our feet every 2 minutes…)

Also… Here’s a random observation we noted. WHY IS HÄAGEN DAZS the only ice cream brand ever to be served at the theatre? Did they make a deal? They aren’t the only one that does mini pots, are they? Is it because it’s classy looking or has a spoon for easy eating in it? Feel free to enlighten us…

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#4 Truly, it was Phantastic

I’m not sure how you feel after watching a brilliant play, musical or musical performance. I am always left utterly mesmerised and singing or humming the entire repertoire for days on end.

Last weekend, we decided to watch (as you might have gathered from the title), the Phantom of the Opera!! It is my third time watching it but I don’t think it really counts until you experience a musical close enough to properly appreciate it. Previous two times I was far enough that I had to do a stupid amount of squinting and borrowing of binoculars to view the performance properly, and this time though, I was in the FOURTH ROW. The FOURTH ROW! We paid full price for the tickets and it was freaking worth every penny.

I know this entire post is dedicated to talking about how amazing the Phantom of the Opera is, but really, it definitely really is the best musical out there and I love it so much. I’d give it a 11 out of 10 if I could. I’m so pleased Kevin feels the same way about it. There is a reason why it is has been running for 31 glorious years – it is the longest running musical there is. I love absolutely everything about it, the brilliant singing and operatic highlights, the humour, the raw emotion of all the characters, the wonderful stage set up, the special effects, the rich details of the costumes and entire setting. It is an incredible show, and it absolutely cannot be faulted. The entire cast was brilliant, and Ben Lewis played such a brilliant Phantom. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who makes it such a brilliant show, and to carry this wonderful musical legacy onwards! :’)

Have you watched the Phantom of the Opera before, and if so, who is your favourite cast member? Who is your favourite Phantom or Christine? And if you HAD to pick one (an impossible task for me), which is your favourite song?

Funny faces
Here’s the stage front at the beginning of the show and the view from E11/E12.
Struggling with a good photo especially with the standing ovation!