#9 Wins and more

I haven’t really written anything here in a while. I guess life got in the way. I have had a busy start to 2018 and I had no clue which direction to take my career in so applied for nearly every single job opportunity I had. Multiple interviews, mountain loads of stress and a whole lot of indecision later, I have an exciting new job lined up in Northern Ireland this August! I am quite excited and (of course, nervous) about yet ANOTHER big move. But hey, life is an adventure ain’t it?

Fast forward to another 2 months into the big move, and I still have not been able to get back into the swing of things completely yet!

For those who don’t know, I am what is known as a “comper”. I enter competitions as a hobby, and what I mean are those social media ones where you like and share, or submit a photo, or prize draws! There is a huge community online for it and it sure is a fabulously rewarding hobby.

It is difficult to feel motivated sometimes as entering competitions is really SUCH an effort, and one really needs to invest the time in it. To make myself feel a bit more motivated to comp, I have decided to revisit my Excel sheet of wins and list down some of the wins I have had this 2018!

  • A year’s worth of pizza with Chicago Town – Who doesn’t love pizza?! 24 vouchers of the various different Chicago Town varieties
  • A £250 Office Outlet voucher – I haven’t used it yet but so excited to explore the website and pick out a few things I need
  • An incredible bimonthly subscription of Gin with Craft Club Gin and Arden snacks – I just simply love my gin, and love adding a new special gin every two months to my ever-expanding collection! Truth be told, I also won another three separate competitions for gin this year, including one where I had a writing entry, so PLENTY of gin in our home.
  • A High Peak Outback gas BBQ with Quotadis – Been on my wish list for ages now, so superbly ecstatic for this wonderful summer win! To be honest, I only received it recently due to a delivery issue and I haven’t opened it yet… The weather is just not right for it!
  • My very first big instant win of a £100 eVoucher for Tesco with Regina Blitz – Could not believe this as I am usually really unlucky with instant wins (never won a thing with the soft and gentle, soft and cheesy, pepsi/doritos, lucozade, ribena promotion)
  • £150 Love2Shop Vouchers with UK Bike and Go for a fashionable photo of myself on my bicycle
  • £250 amazon voucher for a creative memory box photo I entered which I have already spent on some beauty and tech products
  • £50 Beanies voucher with their monthly competition to show them #beaniesontour and where you drink their coffee
  •  £50 voucher with Compers News (magazine I subscribe to just for competitioning) for a prize draw where my photo was picked for their Bucket List Challenge! Now I only entered one photo and it was picked at random and I know they had plenty of entries, so feeling pretty lucky there!
  • A really fancy Meaco fan worth £99.99

To be fair, I have had quite a few big wins this year, and also I have managed to cash in multiple weekends in London but I’ll leave the photos and stories for next time.

Andddddd, here’s my wish list of competitions to focus on:

  • I really would love to win a holiday! South Africa, South America, Iceland, Finland/Lapland, South Korea, Florida… I am not that fussed where to be honest. It just needs to be all expenses paid and not in the UK. My best win ever was a discounted holiday and was truly one of the best experiences and most epic time I have ever had. (I’ll leave this for another blog post.) Kevin and myself are currently planning a holiday for November and it is so painful on the wallet!
  • Anything that includes a reed diffuser / aromatic diffuser as I am currently so obsessed with them, and I don’t really want to buy anymore… I mean, how nice smelling are they?!
  • A new big TV! There has been quite a few recently with Pepsi/Doritoes but no luck on any yet.
  • I saw someone on instagram win a years supply of body soap and thought, that would be awesome. I still have beauty and hair products to last me another few years but body soap is a different story!
  • Anything gym related (clothing, protein, snacks, drinks) as I am currently trying to get fit and healthy
  • Concert / event tickets
  • More Amazon vouchers to buy more books!
  • A new hairdryer if I am not tempted to buy one before then…
  • OH AND A NEW PHONE, before the parents have to get me one this christmas!

That’s all for now – be happy and lucky!



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