#3 Surprise!

Came back home today with a massive surprise waiting for me.

A HUMONGOUS Thomas J Fudge Hat box full of amazing goodies!!

Turns out Kevin nominated me a while back, telling them about some good deeds I’ve done, and how I deserved some recognition for it.

He knows how crazily obsessed I am with their Florentines and he was going to get me a whole lot of them from their website and he spotted this and submitted my name!

I mean, look how HUGE the box is!!!


Cheese board, notebook, apron, dish cloth!

Lots of their florentine varieties, cheese box, and mini wafers!!
Can you believe it?! I cannot be happier with such a wonderful surprise from the other half! Apparently there had been loads of delivery issues because we only just moved houses. Hehee, many many Florentine boxes, mini wafers, a heart cheese board, Apple crackers, a notebook, and all beautiful things Thomas J Fudge (dish cloth, apron, box and all)!

I’m really pleased 🙂 Kevin, you sir, are a keeper.

You too can make someone’s day at their website and you should check out all of Thomas J Fudge foods and snacks, as they all taste incredible!

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